Author: Carol Mills

  • Is the sea making us sick?

    The Tories in Town are keen to tell us Eastbourne seawater is clean. We were told this by our ex MP at the Eco Fair on the Western Lawns in May. We were told this again by Caroline at the GE2024 Environment Hustings in July. These are “the facts” according to the Environment Agency who…

  • Southern Water, Not Eco Not Fair protest – a response from Southern Water

    SOUTHERN WATER : NOT ECO NOT FAIR PROTEST This protest was held on 11th May at the Eastbourne Eco Fair on the Western Lawns. Southern Water had a stall at the Eco Fair which was part of the 10 day long Spring Water Festival. But some of us felt their presence at the fair legitimised…

  • Genocide – A heartbreaking message to the world from Bisan in Gaza.

    Following @WizardBisan1 on Tiktok, one day ago she posted these heartbreaking words, (please below in photos). This was following the resumption of genocide at the end of the so called “humanitarian pause” on December 1st. (See photos below for Bisan’s words). It is our western governments, the UK, USA the EU et al, that are…

  • Call Out for Ahmad Manasra

    CALL OUT 📢 PETITION 🍀JUSTICE FOR AHMAD MANASRA 💔 500-700 Palestinian 🇵🇸 children, some as young as 12 years old, are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. Here is Ahmad’s story:- “Ahmad Manasra watched from behind bars as his childhood ebbed away. He is now a young man, and his life has…

  • Ceasefire Letter to Caroline Ansell MP

    Thank you to Nick HorseField for openly sharing this letter he wrote to Caroline Ansell MP 👇 🇵🇸 ‘ Those of you who have written to Caroline Ansell – asking her to vote for a ceasefire, will probably by now have received her response, which she acknowledges has been “sent to all who have written…

  • Buskers at Banker’s

    Great day for Saturday activism down at Bankers Corner today. CND. XRTU. SWP. Labour Eastbourne Solidarity 🪷 of course. And Davide was there entertaining us with fabulous busking 🎵🎶 Come on down on Saturdays. Why not join us. We all go for coffee ☕️ afterwards at Coffee Republic. Activism 🚩 Busking. Coffee. What more could…

  • Mockingbirds

    The monied elite exploiters! They try to divide us. They are failing. They are afraid of our solidarity 🧡 They are afraid of our creativity 🏵 Our dreams are our futures being made into reality 🌿 Creating the most beautiful world we can imagine 🏵 Treading kindly 🩷 Caring for each other’s dreaming 🪷 VIDEO…

  • Extinction Rebellion Trade Unionists – climate activists and trade union members.

    Extinction Rebellion Trade Unionists – XRTU Eastbourne 🌿 The 1st February Strike Solidarity March and Rally was a great Solidarity Event. 👏 🌿 XRTU Eastbourne were there showing solidarity with strikers as well as being climate activists. We all know it is the same rotten system that is driving down pay and conditions for workers,…

  • Strike Solidarity Event by Eastbourne Trades Council

    Call Out 📢 ALL WELCOME TO THIS PUBLIC MEETING 📢Eastbourne Trades Council are holding a Strikes Solidarity Event 🚩🚩at The Crown and Anchor from 7pm (in the upstairs room) on Wenesday, 15th February 🗓 Unions please share widely to your members🚩Others too, please share with friends and family 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👫 👬Inflation is soaring and workers are…

  • Strike Solidarity March and Rally

    Hope to see you there folks. All Details in photo. 👆👆 Bring banners and placards, whistles etc. We are keen to build the solidarity in this town and give the strikers the support they deserve ☺ Let’s show our appreciation for our valued workers in their struggle 🚩