The Tories in Town are keen to tell us Eastbourne seawater is clean. We were told this by our ex MP at the Eco Fair on the Western Lawns in May. We were told this again by Caroline at the GE2024 Environment Hustings in July.
These are “the facts” according to the Environment Agency who awarded our town a “good” rating after testing the waters weekly from May to September. And these “facts” are oft repeated by those in town who wish to play down the vast movement of campaigning by local and national clean water groups.
But Surfers Against Sewage are telling us a different story. Their “facts” assert the sea is making us sick and people are “getting sick from sewage”.
In October 2022 our then MP, Caroline Ansell, said that people were being ‘wrongly scared off’ our beaches due to sewage dumping concerns. Meanwhile, the then councillor, Josh Babarinde, was campaigning for Southern Water to be held to account and for there to be a ‘sewage tax’ on water companies.
Josh vied that the “Liberal Democrats will not let these companies off the hook and will fight for payback for the people of Eastbourne.”
So, what do Surfers Against Sewage have to say on the matter?
“Between October 2022 and September 2023, a total of 1,924 water users reported getting ill after entering the water. That’s nearly triple the number of reports we received in 2021-22. The numbers are nauseatingly high. And yet these are just the sickness reports submitted to us. We’re only getting a glimpse into the true scale of sewage sickness across the UK…”
“The numbers are nauseatingly high. And yet these are just the sickness reports submitted to us. We’re only getting a glimpse into the true scale of sewage sickness across the UK”.

At the Not Eco Not Fair Southern Water Protest on May 13th, 12 questions were presented to the employees at the Southern Water stall, for them to take to the CEO Lawrence Gosden. One of the questions (See response to question number 5) was from an Eastbourne sea dipper who frequently becomes ill after swimming in the sea. She wondered why she should pay her bill. You can read all the responses to all those questions HERE But in particular, what do you make of the “we’ll see you in court” response given to the sea dipper?
Eastbournians. Are you concerned about the cleanliness of the town’s bathing water and the associated health risks? Or are you with those who convey a “we’ve never had it so good” sentiment? “it used to be much worse when I was a child” and “it was worse when my family went abroad on holiday” etc?
Eastbourne Solidarity wants to know what you think? Is this all one big fuss over nothing?
2 responses to “Is the sea making us sick?”
There are obviously pathogens in the sea water. My grandchild has incurred an infection requiring antibiotics having had limited exposure a few weeks ago.
Wow I’m saddened by the apathy shown on this site ! Not many replies . If you all think everything is “good” like our rating apparently for our sea water then think again !
We have just been told by Ofwat that our water bills are set to rise by 44% (SW wanted the level far higher at 91% .
This is to apparently pay for new infrastructure pppioes etc . My question is to SW where has all the money gone that we’ve given you over the past years . In the pockets of your investors ?? On the exorbitant salaries of your (mis) management ??? Certainly not on infrastructure , ask Hastings people for example !! ITS TIME TO TAKE BACK OUR WATER !!! I’ll be on the Seafront at Eastbourne today handing out leaflets about just this . Please come and see me I’ll be in a Kermit green dress ! Won’t be difficult to spot me . If anyone wants to join me in leafleting it would be great. I support SAS they help the Silver Dippers keep safe with their app telling us when it’s safe or not to dip ! Thank you SAS. Thank goodness we have Josh Babarinde as our new MP he and his LD party have pledged to tackle the water crisis , not dismiss it as folly like our last MP .