Ok. You may have seen GB News’ Special Report on our Tory Party Leadership Hustings Protest that took place on 5th August. 200 chanting protesters outside the Winter Garden plus young activists inside declaring their demands for a Green New Deal now. Did you see the nonsense report? There is a link below if you really must. But more accurately conveyed, here is Eastbourne Solidarity ‘s 🚩Special Report on Dan Wootton frankly ridiculous Special Report. If you want to know how biased media sets out to distort our views of events then just take of look at this. Yes it is a 15 minutes video, but we think it is was worth producing as we want the ordinary people of Eastbourne to have a fair chance of being able to form an understanding on why so many people in our town are intent on doing what we can to bring about a better world. As part of this aim, protesting the Tory Hustings just had to be done. 👇🔺👇
GB News Special Report 😂 👉 https://youtu.be/gIrUec4Sas0
Eastbourne Solidarity Special Report 👇
Hope you enjoyed our bit of fun folks.
Signing out.
Eastbourne Solidarity.
Carol Mills here.